Modern painting & coatings・columbus Oh

Multi-Tenant & HOA Painting

Commercial Painting for HOAs, Apartments and Condos

As a Columbus Multi-Tenant HOA painting company, we are proud to offer tailored painting solutions specifically designed to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your commercial property. Our team understands the importance of transforming your building’s exterior to attract both current and potential residents. By choosing our HOA painting services, you are investing in more than just a fresh coat of paint – you are investing in a lasting impression that speaks volumes about your property’s maintenance standards and attention to detail. Unlock the potential of your HOA paintwork with Modern Painting’s 40+ years of unmatched industry expertise. Let us bring your vision to life efficiently and effectively. Trust us to exceed your expectations every step of the way.

When considering multi-tenant buildings, or HOA painting, remember these key factors:

Planning and Coordination: Proper planning and coordination are crucial to minimize disruption for tenants.

During our estimate, we will give you the estimated length of time it will take to complete the painting project so that you can communicate with your residents. Plus, we won’t leave your project to sit while we work on another job. You’ll be our top priority till it’s done.

Color Selection: Consider the building’s architectural style, surroundings, and any applicable local regulations or guidelines when selecting paint colors. We have a huge range of paint types, colors, and finishes to choose from.

If needed, our designers will help you choose colors that enhance the building’s aesthetics while maintaining visual harmony with the neighborhood.

Weather Conditions: Choose an appropriate time for painting, considering weather conditions such as temperature, humidity, and precipitation. Ideally, select a time when the weather allows for proper drying and curing of the paint.

With the harsh winters and hot summers in Columbus, we recommend having your HOA or Multi-tenant building (exterior) painted in the fall or spring. Read more about the right time to paint your facility here.

Safety Measures: Implement safety measures for the protection of tenants and workers. This may include using appropriate signage, minimizing access to work areas, and ensuring the use of proper equipment and safety gear.

At Modern Painting, we know safety. We’re Hazmat certified; corrosion, old coatings, runoff, and abated waste get discarded properly. In addition, we’re partners with EPA, OSHA, coating, and equipment developers and we mandate ongoing training for every team member.

Maintenance and Durability: The use of high-quality paints and coatings that are crucial for exterior applications. This helps to ensure durability, resistance to weathering, and easier maintenance in the long run.

We only use high-quality paints and coating to ensure your results are not only beautiful but continue to remain just as beautiful for years to come.

By considering these factors and working closely with Modern Painting professionals, we can achieve a successful and visually appealing painting project for a residential, multi-tenant building.

When it comes to multi-tenant and HOA painting, we go above and beyond.

We strive to create vibrant and inviting spaces that exceed expectations. Our dedication to the safety and satisfaction of your residents is unwavering. With full coverage insurance, including liability and worker’s compensation, your peace of mind is our priority. A dedicated foreman is present on-site throughout the project, ensuring a familiar face overseeing the process. Our quick-drying, low-odor coatings minimize disruptions while our expertise reaches even the highest areas with ease. Let us revitalize your walkways, foodservice, and parking areas with precision power washing techniques. As a trusted partner of Owens-Corning, safety is not just a priority but a guarantee.